Monday, July 21, 2008

We are finally into the blogging world!!!

Well it has finally happened...we are officially in the loop now. I will try to keep up on everything but I can't promise anything. I am just waiting for this hot summer to get over and have our baby, Latimer. Hopefully I can figure blogging out quick so I can make our page better. But like Trev says our downfall to blogging is that we are NOT picture people but I think we will get better at that too.


Heather said...

You will get better at the picture thing...I promise. It seems like once you have a baby you take WAY WAY a lot of pictures. I am glad you joined me in the blogosphere!

Carly said...

Hey Cute Girl! Congrats on the baby! I haven't seen you in forever since ya moved! My husband said he saw you and he thought you were pregnant but wasn't for sure! I am way excited for you! Boys are so much fun!

. said...

I'm so pumped you are getting this figured out!!! I love it! Trev cracks me up. I can't believe they were all dressed up. That is hilarious.

Sam and Mandy Noel said...

Hey Sarah, so I just heard you were coming tomorrow. I am so pumped! But I thought, if you are coming over from Kanab, me and Andrea are driving over to St. George together and I thought you might want to ride with us too. It would be great. We are planning on leaving Kanab at about six, just so you know. Give me a call or a text or whatever to let me know. I would have called but I don't have your number. Talk to you tomorrow.

mommaRx said...

Hey Sarah!Welcome to blogging.Congrats on the baby on the way-it's the best!email me at and I will add you to our blog :)

Emily Walker said...

Hey, it's been forever since I've seen you! Congrats on being pregnant.

Samantha said...

Sarah!!! I'm so happy you've joined us in the blogging world. You are going to become addicted just like the rest of us before you know it. (Be sure to get some pics. of that little boy as soon as he gets here would ya!!)