Monday, July 21, 2008

K-Towners and Fantasy Football

So all that I have heard about from Trev for the last 2 months is Fantasy Football and the big "draft night." Well it happened yesterday and here is the evidence to the extreme level these guys take it. One requirement for their draft was to be in a shirt and tie, well if you can tell they took this to heart but some went over the top. Hope they have fun with it! From left to right backrow: Mace Glazier, Alan Orton, Trevor Glover, Sterling Glover. Front Row: Robert Hansen, JR Quarnberg, Danny Johnson, Tyler Hafen, Bucky Orton, Coby Glover.


Heather said...

What a crew! Silly, silly boys. What will they think of next?

Kassi said...

That is the funniest thing I have seen in a while! What people will do to be have a little fun! I LOVE IT! I am glad you finally joined in on all the fun! Now I can check up on you guys and see waht s going on :)

Taylors said...

Sarah, I didn't even know you were going to have a baby someone told me the other day! I am so excited for you guys!
Camie Heaton Taylor

Sam and Mandy Noel said...

Hey I'm so glad you have a blog now! I love it. I still can't beieve you are having a baby! Give us a call sometime since we are both in Kanab. It'd be fun to get together.

Malinda S. said...

So glad you joined the blogging world. I think ultrasounds are incredible! Congrats on your baby!I feel your pain on being pregnant during summer. My daughter was born in September...

Jeni and Mike said...

Welcome to the blogging world. I'm so excited to hear you're having a baby! Hope all is well in kanab.

Jeni Pace Lenkersdorfer

Amanda P. said...

Hey Rams! Found your blog through Kassi's. I cannot believe that photo of the guys.....but then again i can. What a cute little ultrasound!!!

Anonymous said...

This is James wife, Sarah. How is the pregnancy coming along?? Congrats too!! :)

. said...

Rams... when are we going to get more out of you and this blogging thing! I need you to come through. Come over and we will have blogging 101. Get that baby out too. Love ya.